Posted Mar 14, 2023 by Rick
AHC’s President Richard (“Rick”) Maher will be presenting again next week to leaders of New Jersey’s GSETA Institute (the training arm of New Jersey’s Garden State Employment and Training Association), as part of a leadership development workshop series he began last month.
The Series, kicked off last month with Maher’s session on Transformational Leadership and the next session will be focused on building trust as a leader. The Disruption by Design Leadership Series, is a set of five workshops focused on what Maher calls the Six Traits of Agile Organizations and will help leaders shape a workforce culture that can shift and be nimble through times of change and uncertainty.
“If you think the pace of change in your organization is overwhelming now, hang on. We’ve not nearly reached peak acceleration yet.” Maher has been working on the issues of disruptive change and how people and organizations can better cope with change for nearly 30 years. He believes that unless leaders and workers become more resilient and adaptable, many companies - perhaps entire industries – will be at risk for failure. (Think Blockbuster and venerable retailers like Sears.) “It’s urgent that we work on changing the mindset of the American workforce and develop the skills it takes to adapt quickly in response to chaos and uncertainty.” In other words, he wants leaders to decide that disruption will be baked into their business model: Maher calls it “Disruption by Design.”
The kick-off session, focused on the power of vision and purpose in shaping culture was a huge success and set the foundation for the Series. Next week’s session, “Organizational Justice: Building Trust as a Leader,” will explore how leaders can build trust relationships to help minimize worker resistance to change initiatives and build positive engagement. Trust Building and Trust Braking behaviors will be explored, and learners will leave with some ideas on how to measure current trust levels in their own organizations.
He'll also include access to Adaptive Human Capital’s Individual Resiliency Assessment – a private, online, self-assessment that will help individuals better understand their natural response to change and uncertainty.
New Jersey workforce professionals can learn more about the Disruption by Design Series here. Organizations interested in building a more adaptive culture can learn more here, or contact us for a no-obligation consultation.