Build More Adaptive Humans

For Individuals, Leaders and Teams

Creating more #adaptive_humans begins with building awareness through private, self-assessment of individual skill.

Our work on individual resiliency is the product of over 30 years of research combining real-world, practice experience with the latest research from the world of neuroscience and Industrial-Organizational Psychology.

We have created a unique assessment instrument to help build awareness – at the individual level – as to how people tend to respond to challenging times and why. Routed in the latest knowledge of brain science (how the human brain tends to process change) and the most recent research in personality types and characteristics, Adaptive Human Capital’s Individual Resiliency Assessment© will:

  • Identify individual tendencies when responding to change
  • Identify areas of individual strength as well as areas of opportunity for personal development
  • Offer specific tactics and strategies to help individuals build capacity
  • Help participants develop short and longer-term action plans to help behavior modification post-training

Individual Resiliency Assessment

The Individual Resiliency Assessment© can be completed online in 10 to 15 minutes and produces a detailed Report which can be viewed instantly online, printed and saved by participants in a convenient PDF format for future use. It can be useful as an individual activity, or coupled with our Building Individual Resiliency Workshop, which allows you to bring the power of the Organizational Agility Model™ right into your workplace in the form of an impactful and interactive, 2.5-hour structured learning activity.

However, you choose to use the Individual Resiliency Assessment©, it is a perfect way to introduce the science of Organizational Agility to your workplace and begin to create more #adaptive_humans – able to stay nimble during change, more engaged and productive with less stress at work.

You can order the Individual Resiliency Assessment© for you or your team now, or contact us directly to discuss your application and the best way to use our tools to meet your specific organizational needs.

The video below introduces you to our approach of assessing individual resiliency. This short, 12 minute segment, introduces the traits of Individual Resiliency and sets the foundation for our work on helping to create more agile individuals and organizations.